Sunday, March 7, 2021

Penguin Knees


    Despite my intense fear of birds, I can name a bird by hearing it's bird call and then state all kinds of weird facts about them. Growing up my step-dad was an avid bird watcher. No matter where we went he would talk about the birds around us. Nature hikes were silent because if we talked we would miss the nature in the hike. This provided a lot of time to listen for birds, and then learn about them. 

    This morning while my kids were eating cinnamon rolls, I was lovingly explaining why Blue Jays are the assholes of the bird world. They are just mean. Okay, so that's just the life cycle, and it's in their nature to be mean. That does mean I want them chasing my squirrels or killing my blue birds though. 

    While I was ranting about my dislike for Blue Jays, my daughter randomly tells me that penguins have knees. Uhhh, what?? I quickly corrected her and told her that owls are the ones with the funny looking legs underneath all of those feathers (seriously, look up owl legs if you've never seen them). She was insistent that penguins have knees. So, I asked Alexa about penguin knees, and it was confirmed that they do indeed have knees. Now I was curious about penguin knees, so I had to search for a picture.  

Penguin with human knees

Woah. Penguins are funny looking creatures underneath all of that cuteness. 


  1. I am intrigued and slightly aghast. To hear news about penguins *and* Blue Jays I feel compelled to do some research myself. I had no idea!

  2. I did not know that penguins had knees either. They sort of look like they don't even have legs, just a body! I have been inspired to go look up penguin legs now.

  3. I love your tone throughout the slice. I feel the same way about Blue Jays, and had no idea about penguins! Your title is was drew me in. Looks like we continue to learn something every day!

  4. Ha! Thanks for sharing! I had no idea!

  5. I actually knew this weird little fact! Not sure why or how?!?!? Did you know crows can recognize human faces? I always wonder if the ones in our neighborhood recognize me from walking the dog every morning!

  6. Fun facts are so... fun! (And I'm presuming you didn't grow up in bear country, thus hiking silently wasn't a safety issue.) :)



 Spring brings joyous change.  Walks, open windows, tennis, Gardens and sunshine. Sadly, my darn allergies make me only want my bed. _______...