Saturday, April 3, 2021

Spring Break

Slowly coming to a close

People traveling near and far

Running errands or visiting beaches

Intermission of an unprecedented year

Naps at random 

Gorging on nourishment and Netflix.

Better set an alarm

Return is approaching fast

Evading reality

Avoiding the inevitable 

Keep on swimming, keep on swimming.


In honor of April being National Poetry Month, I will write one poem per day.

Day 1: Tercet

Day 2: Haiku

Day 3: Acrostic

1 comment:

  1. Sunday Scaries Here
    What the hell to do
    I guess I'll have another drink



 Spring brings joyous change.  Walks, open windows, tennis, Gardens and sunshine. Sadly, my darn allergies make me only want my bed. _______...